
Crypto Investing Is Here

 Of course to finance a dream you will need a way to make money. I understand most countries now are changing over their money standard currency. So in comes this idea of crypto.    It is a form of money that is based on a currency made up of cyber- coins. Well, there is also a machine in the supper markets that will exchange your paper money for coins, such as Bit coins, that are worth , who knows how much.     They make sending money easier and are legal tender.    It is n not a big thing yet, or not as big as it hopes to be. Yet it appears to be a trend that will catch on.    And investing in crypto currency seems to be in the same thing  as buying onto socks and bonds. They go up and down in value.    The trend is being spoken of in papers and there are many investors who are buying in to the trend.    As most things there is a curve to the investing.    A person needs training to invest well. And ...

A Great Market-Place Out There

   We can dream. We can sit down and get a piece of paper and chart out jut what we wish to be making if we were able-- and we are able-- to work for ourselves. \   Of course you will have to jump through hoops to get licensed and get that office. But most of all we would need to have a product. You don't wish to scam anyone by offering something you can't produce.    People frown on that. As well as fine merchants.    Be careful when you look for a business plan or opportunity. Multi-level Marketing is not as easy as it reports to be by those who are trying to suck you into their program.  \   In the past I did MLM for a while. The offer looked good, but I soon found I was pretty much on my own when it came to the offer. I would attend meetings where a person would lecture on how he made it, look --'Look at my BMW. You can have one too when you reach the level I am at'  to help you, but the speaker just went on and on on the b...

I Dreamed of Wood Working

 So you are a dreamer who wants to create your own  useful items. You are into woodworking Maybe as a hobby at the moment, because you may not want to go through a long program to become  a business owner  But you enjoy working with your hands and the feel of fresh wood under your hands excited you.. You can see possibilities. You just need a program.   I may have found one which I would like to share with you. It is an online link. And the company behind it tells me if I can get you to buy into their offered program I can get compensated for my time..   It is known as Ted's Woodwork . And if you are just a normal Joe even, it can work for you.  Woodworking can be relaxing. You do it yourself. And you can get great satisfaction in  the finished product.   So if you are one of those who enjoy working with your hands, click the link and get going. 

The Dream Goes On

 It has been a while  since I posted in this blog page. There was no action  in the past. I am hoping this time around, in the year 2022 there are many out there who will discover this blog and see the opportunity to have health in their life..   I ended the previous postings with a no sales sign and a going out of business sign. This time around I will be reopening and offering good useful items for the health and wellness niche for people over 5t0 as they slowly find they have needs. I will attempt to offer items useful to that niche.    So let's set down the rules here. I will be recommending items only found online from places that may send me a commission when you buy their offered item. It will be at no extra cost to you, the customer. I will only act as the conduit you need to complete the transaction.     Therefore, having said all that, I  will recommend this find weight control product. It is called  #Exipure. As with all produ...

Dreams May Die

When no one responds anymore, it is time to hang up your business and move on. There just was no interest. Or there was never any interest and you were just fooling yourself. That seems what has happened here.  I finally told myself I was posting to air in this blog. Dreams can and do come true when, as I see it, there is cash flow set aside for the venture--enough to hang in there for a specified period of time. Well ,mine ran out. Also a dream is only as good as the skill of the dreamer. You need a team behind you. You need the cheer leader to keep you going when times are rough. I was my own cheer leader, which, in my case, didn't work out. If you find a cheerleader, hang on to them. It is best if they are not you. Not that you can't believe in yourself. You should. Or else why start to dream? Ands make sure your dream has a product that can be converted into a need. Try not, as I have learned, to attach your dream to a commodity that is too well known. Or at least add so...

Dreams May Cost

I know. I know. It has been a very long time since I last posted to this blog site. I can't give a real reason.. a good one.. for that forgetfulness.    I have been trying to push wellness and nutrition through my Facebook account. I have a store there.  So if I were to look for an excuse why I haven't been posting here, that could be one I could offer.    But that could also be seen as a cop out. After all, if you have a dream and you put shoe leather to it you would have by now taken advantage of all the links I have given you in this blog (From this posting on  the links will be current. I may not be able to say that of previous links) Seeing as how it has been along time the previous links may have gone south, so to speak.     So the real reason I post now, besides realizing I should keep the spirits up of those of you reading this and passing it on (You do pass on good deals you discover, I hope) I also need to keep before you my Face...

To Reach That Dream--- Activate

 Let's face it, If you aim for nothing you are sure to achieve it. But if you really wish to achieve something, you must put some action into the picture. I want to give you a business opportunity in the health and wellness area.  Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever will. You have to apply yourself and put in a little sweat.  Stop the inactivity and pout some shoe leather to your dream. To reach that dream--activate.